Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife

I first read Audery Niffenegger's The Time Traveler's Wife when it came out in 2003 and while I enjoyed it immensely, but I almost never got past the first two chapters.

I can see why she had troubles finding a publisher for this first novel. Stories told in the first person can be hard to sell, but a story with TWO alternating first person view points AND jumps in time is enough to make most publisher's heads explode never mind the general reading public. Luckily the author's decision to preface each chapter with a little 'title card' giving the date, the relative ages of Henry and Claire, as well as indicating who was narrating the chapter helped guide the reader through the novel. And what a fine journey it is. Emotionally moving and rich in secondary characters, it's a real page turner from what I recall.

Here is a link to my review of the book The Time Traveler's Wife.

The book was optioned as a film virtually the moment Niffenegger signed her book deal, but it wasn't until 2007 that a script and casting started to firm up for the movie. Eric Bana was cast in the role of Henry and Rachel McAdams in the role of Claire. The majority of the film was shot in the fall of 2007 in and around Hamilton and Toronto, Ontario. An initial release date of February 2008 was announced, but was quietly and quickly withdrawn. At the time I suspected the studio had lost faith in the movie and was quietly pulling for a DVD release or dumping in a few markets . In the end it was rescheduled for August 14th, 2009 release date. The explanation for the delay that has been circulating was that reshoots were needed and could not be rescheduled until the locations were available (the outdoor meadow) and Eric Bana's hair grew back after his role in Star Trek.

I haven't had a chance to see the movie since it came out this week, but hope to see it in the next week or so. Based on reviews and the dismal 36% freshness rating over at, I am afraid it won't match the magical nature of the book.

The Official Time Traveler's Wife Site

Have you seen the movie? What did you think?

Have you read the book as well?

I appreciate your thoughts, but please not too many "spoilers" for those that haven't read the book or watched the movie.

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Monday, August 3, 2009

404 Error - Page Not Found

You think after owning a website for 10 years I would have created a decent 404 Error Page. I like to think I am creative and clever. Problem is there are never enough hours in the day to do all the projects I would like.

It's hard enough finding time to write reviews and work on my own writing, never mind designing the backyard time machine, dreaming about creating a time travel web comic, creating an online time machine, and little distractions like designing my own clever 404 Error page.

If I was going to design my own 404 Error page obviously it would have something to do with time travel. A broken time machine perhaps? Not sure what else.

Any suggestions?

In the meantime here are some clever ones Smashing Magazine - 404 Error Pages to browse.